Bubble Language School

Hi! Be Nice to Yourself. An Example Letter

Dear Max,

I hope you have had a good day with something nice to eat. Something warm and good in my belly always cheers me up. A homeless person once told me, “You can never be happy on an empty stomach.”

I know sometimes, people and life are confusing. It’s hard to figure out what to do all the time. Sometimes, things are hard because of that. But, remember it’s okay. It will pass. Tomorrow will be another day.

At times, people and situations may be hard to understand, when you see them differently. Other times, words fail you when you need them most. Or your words are unheard but don’t worry. We have been with you since day one. And, in our opinion, you’re not a bad person. Each day comes with its struggles, and you do your best. The words, “lazy” and “not lazy” are black and white. But, there are so many degrees.





stressed out,


So, be nice to yourself. We’re going to be together a very long time (hopefully).

